Know Your Competitive Advantage
Know Your Competitive Advantage: The Experts Focus on it; Most Businesses Miss It
Warren Buffet was asked, “What is the single most important thing you look for when you invest in a company?” He replied without hesitation, “Competitive advantage.” His practice was never to invest in a business that did not have a competitive advantage and a strong management team. Jack Welch, CEO of G. E. back when it was a strong company, said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This focus provided tremendous results for these two geniuses of yesterday, and the empires they built.
Yet as I travel around for speaking, both nationally and internationally, to business leaders of all size companies, I always ask,” How often do you review/consider/evaluate your company’s competitive advantage?” Remarkably, the two most common honest answers are “never” and “once a year.” How often do you consider that question for your AMC? and your client associations?