AMC Emerging Leaders

Dear AMCI Institute Members,

I'm Megan Woodburn, a board member for AMC Institute and the owner of Strategic Association Management in Austin, TX. In my board role, I have the honor of serving as the board liaison for the Emerging Leaders Task Force, a newly formed group for the Institute. 

Like me, I'm sure you're always thinking of ways you can grow the leaders on your team. AMCI is hoping to help you in this effort! Earlier this year, with the formation of the AMCI Emerging Leaders Task Force, several AMCI members began investigating ways that their AMC peers could become more involved in the AMCI community. Active involvement is a key benefit to our Emerging Leaders, as well as to the AMCs for which they work. 

AMCI is excited to share this opportunity to maximize your AMCI dues while providing emerging leaders in your organization with a community that focuses on professional development, learning more about the AMC industry, and networking.  

The Task Force has been collaborating since the summer and is comprised of 11 emerging leaders from across North America.  They are currently developing content that will be made available to identified Emerging Leaders beginning in 2021. To ensure that AMCI is reaching out to the correct individuals in your organization, we need your help in identifying and sharing your Emerging Leaders with AMCI. Providing this information will enable AMCI to appropriately identify Emerging Leaders in its member database and allow for direct communication about professional learning and networking opportunities.

What is an Emerging Leader? An Emerging Leader is/are the individual(s) who are mid-level professionals (Coordinators, Managers, Executive Directors, etc.) critical to the daily operation of your AMC.  As Owners and C-suite executives consider the future of their AMC, these individuals are the core of the AMC who will be retained, groomed, and promoted into higher positions in the next 3-10 years. These individuals will be involved in succession planning, long-term strategic planning, and sustainability. Their understanding of the AMC model, as well as their energy, will be necessary to create dynamic, new approaches and ways to implement them into the AMC.

What does this mean for your AMC? AMCI will provide new, relevant educational opportunities, networking, and professional development to elevate the next generation of AMC leaders within your organization and the AMCI community. There is no additional cost to your AMC - beyond the time of your Emerging Leader(s)-since your AMC holds an organizational membership in AMCI. Please take a moment to send your Emerging Leaders’ names, emails, and titles to Jennie Stitzinger ([email protected]) today. 

Thank you.


Megan Woodburn
AMCI Board Member
Founder & CEO, Strategic Association Management

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